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Now, get personalized dashboards according to your business needs, effortlessly manage your data, and share reports in real-time with Kockpit Konnect.


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Kockpit Konnect:
An Overview

Before diving into the world of Kockpit Konnect, first, lets get to know what the application actually is.

Kockpit Konnect is a product of Kockpit Analytics that helps businesses and various functional teams to collaborate over Microsoft Power BI reports.

Users can enjoy one-click transfer of reports and share them instantly on numerous platforms such as Skype, Slack, Email, or even our inbuilt chat system. Just configure your Power BI reports into Konnect with a few simple steps, and you are ready for one-click follow-ups over your data within your team.

Power BI made easy

Besides providing easy and quick access, Kockpit Konnect offers a central platform to share BI reports and dashboard screenshots through different mediums. Here are some features that your businesses can enjoy with Kockpit Konnect.

Konnect is a tool for Microsoft Power BI users that uses Robust Process Automation to take screenshots of dashboards easily. Users then can share these reports with any number of recipients through various sharing features integrated within the system.

Kockpit Konnect ensures a 110% data safety and security guarantee. Every bit of information gets stored behind numerous layers of security/firewalls, and our highly-experienced developers keep the hackers at bay.

Kockpit Konnect also helps you highlight issue areas and get resolutions over the specific data points. It allows you to do annotations over the Data Insights/Anomalies much faster.

Konnect allows you to share BI reports and dashboards with the help of an in-built chat feature, making communication faster, better, and a whole lot easier. Users can connect and communicate while sharing reports simultaneously.

Kockpit Konnect Application also features a state-of-the-art web portal where users can personalize and customize the grouping of dashboards and reports according to their liking.

Why Choose Konnect?

Effortless Business Tracking

With an array of personalized dashboards, Konnect helps top-tier managers to track business operations 24X7.

360-Degree View

Gather reports on all activities and operations being performed by the business under one roof.

Real-time Insights

Get data visualizations from information gathered, analyzed, and delivered in real-time.

Faster Communication

Our in-built chat function enables a faster, more secure mode of communication within the organization.

Easy Report Sharing

Users can share reports directly from Kockpit Konnect to the N-number of different platforms

Usage tracking

Usage analytics help in monitoring usage behavior patterns, thus promoting data-based decisions.

Manage dashboards and share reports freely.

Kockpit Konnect is a one-stop solution for easy Power BI management, promising a personalized and attractive user experience. Created for its next-gen capabilities, Kockpit Konnect allows executives to manage and operate their multi-level businesses with just a glance. With integrated features like Unlimited sharing and Usage tracking, Kockpit Konnect is making business operations easier than ever.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is sharing feature limited?
Is sharing feature limited?

No, With Kockpit Konnect, you can share as many reports or dashboard snaps you like. Just go to the Kockpit Konnect allocation and start sharing.

How can I share reports with my team using Konnect?
The steps for sharing reports are pretty simple.
  • Open the report/dashboard you wish to share with the team.
  • Click on the chat/email icon located on the bottom right of the screen.
  • When the pop-up window appears, select different tools from the toolbar section to make annotations or highlights.
  • Enter a message or a note on the note section located below.
  • Enter names/email IDs of the members you wish to share the report to.
  • Click on send and done!
How can I shift my Konnect subscription to another device?
To shift your Kockpit Konnect subscription to another system, you can perform the actions mentioned below.
  • Users can remove the license key by going into the settings section of the web portal. However, you will only be allowed to do that if you have access to this feature.
  • Users can raise a ticket from the portal that will send a request to the admin to remove the license key from the system. Users can then activate Kockpit Konnect by entering the license key into the new device.
Can you share reports directly to other social media sites?
Can you share reports directly to other social media sites?

Kockpit Konnects advanced sharing feature allows you to send reports and snaps of a dashboard to numerous media platforms. You can share your files to Skype, Slack, Emails, and our integrated chat feature directly from the application.

Do I need to learn any programming language to use Kockpit Konnect?
Do I need to learn any programming language to use Kockpit Konnect?

No, It is an easy-to-use application that personalizes your Power BI dashboards according to the user's needs and presents them in a systematic yet user-friendly manner. Hence, anyone with a basic understanding of office 365 and Power BI can use Kockpit Konnect.

Can I highlight sections in reports?
Can I highlight sections in reports?

Users can highlight issue areas and points of concern within the application. So, you do not have to write long explanations in emails. Instead, you can highlight the issue area and attach a message to the report.

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